We are here to serve women and children in crisis

Christ Leads. People Care. Lives Change.

Evangel Home is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization. Our ministry is supported only through the generous gifts of individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations. We do not receive any funds from government agencies. Your gifts are deeply appreciated and tax deductible. To donate online, please go to our donation page. You are also encouraged to contact us directly with any questions you may have. And thank you for your support.

Our mission:

  • Serve women and children in crisis.
  • Meet their basic physical needs.
  • Promote personal development and responsibility.
  • Encourage spiritual growth.
  • Uphold and honor Jesus Christ in all we do.

A home where the cycle of crisis ends, where lives are reconciled to Jesus Christ, where families and relationships are restored and where the future holds hope for the next generation.

  • We believe the Bible to be inspired and the only infallible, authorized Word of God.
  • We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of Christ, the Virgin Birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
  • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved into the resurrection of life; and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ.
Our team members

The talented team
behind our services

Meet our dedicated team members who work tirelessly to fulfill our mission and make a positive impact.

Administrative Staff

  • Gerre Brenneman – Interim Executive Director
  • Audrey Stogner – Operations & Business Manager

CrossRoads Staff

  • Ruby Cox – CrossRoads Director
  • Carolynn Samples – CrossRoads Assistant Director


  • Tenisha Farve – Child Service Manager

Shelter Staff

  • Roslyn Smith-Walton – Crisis Shelter Manager
  • Jasmine Alvarez – Assistant Shelter Manager
  • Michelle McBride-Lowe – Assistant Shelter Manager
  • Ayme Peralta – Assistant Shelter Manager
  • Donna Smith – Assistant Shelter Manager


  • Erin Ray, M.A., RAMFT #114388 – Counseling Center Director
  • Dr. Kimberly Jones, Ed.D,  LMFT #49959  – Clinical Supervisor

Additional Staff

  • Monica Florez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Rudy Marquez – Maintenance
  • Aaron McFadden – Maintenance
  • Cynthia Higuera – Cook
Our Board Members

The people guiding our mission

Bob Zoller – President

Gary Catron – Vice President

Jan Weston – Treasurer

Kaylan Roberts – Secretary

Dayla Anderson

Tonya Lovely

Judy Nachtigal

Rick Pharr

Ed Saliba

Leslie Wiens

Nelda Baker

Jeremy Lusk

Gladys Morris

The History of Evangel Home

Our story is a unique one.

Once upon a time, we chose the prickly little hedgehog as our mascot. Several traits of the hedgehog then, and now, remind us of who we strive to be at Evangel Home.


Small but Mighty

Like the hedgehog, Evangel Home is small but impactful. Our numbers are modest, with 15 staff members and a maximum of 40 guests and residents, yet the message we share – the good news of Jesus – makes us all stronger. We aim to be a welcoming place, a true Home, reflecting His light in every aspect of our ministry.


Focus on One Big Thing

 Hedgehogs focus on finding food; for us, that focus is our motto: Christ Leads + People Care + Lives Change. This guiding principle nourishes us and inspires everything we do.


Wise in Facing Challenges

Hedgehogs don’t seek out problems, but when faced with one, they pause. At Evangel Home, we do the same. Instead of reacting hastily, we stop, assess, and seek God’s guidance, proceeding only when ready. It’s encouraging to see how this approach has brought positive change and a renewed sense of God’s presence in our work.


Founded in 1955, Evangel Home was among the first facilities in the nation dedicated to supporting women. We are proud of our history and grateful for those early pioneers whose vision, courage, and compassion laid the foundation for who we are today.

The beginning

Inception: Pauline Baker Meyers

Evangel Home was opened as a “Home for Needy Women and Children” by Pauline Baker Meyers. It started in a renovated boarding house and its first resident was an alcoholic woman.

Founded - 1955

Stage 1

Passing the Baton

A New Guide: Merabelle Eitzen

Under the guidance of Merabelle Eitzen, we completed work and moved to a new building which today serves as our emergency shelter. We provide shelter, food, clothing and counseling for up to 24 women and children.


Stage 2

Establishing new territory

New Living Center

We purchased a 17-unit apartment complex to our immediate south and our Psalm 16:1 Plaque established one of the first transitional living centers in the country for women and children. We currently use 13 apartments for women who are accepted from the emergency shelter into our CrossRoads living skills and discipleship program.


Stage 3

Same Focus. New Leader.

A New Steward: Gerre Brenneman

After Merabelle passed a year prior, Gerre Brenneman took over the leadership reins in 1988. “I felt very unprepared at first, but then realized God called me to Evangel Home – not just for me to lead it, but for Him to lead me.” Gerre’s tenure has given her time to steward the ministry to additional programs, property, and personnel. However, the focus still remains on the individual woman and child. It is their relationship with Jesus Christ that matters more than any other measure of growth.


Stage 4

A New Program

Introducing: Community Connection

We established Community Connection, a graduate program allowing our women to stay up to 12 months after completing our CrossRoads or GARDEN programs. To continue in this phase, they must be working or attending school full-time and serve as role models to our other residents.


Stage 4

Did someone say "makeover?"

Renovation: The Grand Old House

New Covenant Church completes an Extreme Makeover in 53 days on the grand old house at 161 N. Yosemite. GARDEN program moves to 161 and 145 N. Yosemite becomes our Education and Conference Center. Backyard at 145 serves as recreation and play area for crisis home women and children.


Stage 4

Expansion is underway

Introducing: 101 N. Yosemite

101 N. Yosemite becomes part of Evangel Home’s ministry. It is being used as a counseling center for our residents. It has also freed up housing in Evangel Home counseling center other parts of the campus so more women and children can be served.


Stage 4

Looking toward the future

Hand on the Plow

Each new program has come after a need has been recognized and bathed in prayer, sometimes for years. We see many needs, but which ones are in God’s vision for Evangel Home? Our hand is still on the plow and we can’t wait to see what soil is next to be tilled.


Stage 4

Want to get involved?

Join our supporters and others in our network

Giving means helping those most vulnerable a chance at the future they deserve.